IoT Modules

Our tech

All our products are IOT ready and specially designed to make them smart.

We are able to measure:

Iot/ mSense modules, and core
  • Temperature

  • Vibration

  • Pressure

  • Flow

  • UV

  • Light

How does it work?

Each mini module mSense has its own set of sensors and streams the information using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), this allows each sensor module to last for years without charging.

All the streamed data is collected by the Core module that immediately re-streams that data through WiFi, 4G or 5G to the web. The main module A is also equipped with a set of sensors.

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Compatible Products

We believe that the only way to improve is to measure first. That’s why every product that we designed is ready for IoT and specially prepared to be measured and evaluated.

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